Monday, September 14, 2009


So since I began this blog I began a new series of paintings called: LIFE
Tonight I began and completed the second piece I dubbed "SUN KISS",
do tell.....okay....I ended up back in Long Beach after labor day. Some how I always end up in LBC. And I bought a pair of TOMS shoes..which every pair you buy a child in need gets one too.
The Toms I picked out read...MAKE ART NOT SUPER!!!!

Anyway to make a long blog short, I got a break...the break I have been waiting for. Only time shall tell, but I began this series because it will tell the story of my life...the first piece I was blue in the face....and so now this second was knocked out tonight because I feel a sun kiss.

When I got the news that I would be heading back to my home I took a piece of blank canvas and I layed it down and the army mesh upon the place I paint and it left a mark...a shadow and a pattern that I followed, the pattern was brought by the sun.

I chose orange for my face due to the fact that I feel sunshine, and health and growth entering my soul. I came upon this owl, and he is my muse for this piece. He has an orange back and pink dancing feet. Right now I feel the kiss of the sun and the kiss of life. Will see what piece number three will look like...all I know is I'm feeling the sun and it's HITTING MY SOUL AND I'M HAPPY.

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